Monday, July 15, 2019


Naval Jack of Pakistan.svg

History of Hyperbaric Medicine in Pakistan :

Although Hyperbaric Medicine has been Present since the late 1970 ,s in Pakistan Navy and is mainly Used for the Purpose of Navy Operations. Now this medical Specialty is Treating more than 300 Diseases and Has a Text book and more than 100 Reference Books.

Naval Hyperbaric Medicine of Pakistan is Associated with Special Services Group of Pakistan Navy , also Known as Navy Commando,s Identified as PNS Iqbal Unit in Pakistan Navy, Situated in Karachi.

Hyperbaric Medicine is also used in PNS Mehran Aviation unit of Pakistan Navy, where the Pilots of Pakistan Navy are Exposed to training in Sea Based Naval Operations of Search rescue and Missions over Sea of Naval Aircraft .

Hyperbaric Specialists are those who are Selected from Pakistan Army medical Corps . Known as AMC .   AMC is Medical Core of Doctors as officers and Nursing Personal Serving in Pakistan Defense Forces in Army, Navy , and Air Force .

The Naval medical Directorate, Situated in Islamabad is Manned by Pakistan Army medical Corps Doctors and it has Multiple Medical units like Hospitals etc Functioning under it .

There is a Medical University called Bahria University that also has its own Faculty of Medicine under Medical Directorate. Bahria is Urdu Language word for Navy .

This Naval medical Directorate is Situated in Pakistan Navy Head Quarters in Islamabad. Because of Operation of Pakistan Navy in Deep Sea , Tactical and Scuba Diving Operations Associated with Submarine , Special Services Commandos , the Department of Hyperbaric Medicine is very Much Needed in Pakistan Navy , Air force and Army .

Hyperbaric Medicine in Pakistan Progressed in late 1980,s when Pakistan and USA had very Cordial Relationships and it was Partner in Geo Strategy in Asia and in Afghanistan where they were fighting the war against Communism .  

USA and Pakistan helped the Hyperbaric Medicine in order to Facilitate,  the Pakistan Navy to do the Submarine and Naval SSG Special Services also Known as Naval Seals Operations that Operated the Submarine Warfare and also the X -Craft Spy and Tactical Under water Submarine Crafts that Operated under the Water. 

Pakistan Navy Sent in the Doctors who were from Army Medical corps and they Trained them in Naval Seals / Navy SSG Operations in Karachi at Pakistan Navy Facilities  and when they Got Trained they were Taught Hyperbaric Medicine in Institutes of USA in Co-operations with Bethesda  Washington DC , and its Associated Hyperbaric Training Institutes along Side with USA Doctors of its Navy and Army . Some of them also did Navy Seals courses .

Due to gracious help of US and its Medical Corps Pakistan Navy and Army Medical Corps of Pakistan was able to Establish the Naval Medical Institute in Pakistan Navy alongside of Pakistan Navy Special Services Group / Naval Seals .

NUMI , or Naval medical Institute came into being and Hyperbaric Medicine Started and two and three Batches of Doctors went to USA and some of them of continue to go even now .

Due to this USA started the Hyperbaric Medicine in early 1980,s and Pakistan Immediately did that in Late 1980,s really at the Same time.

Hyperbaric Medical Training Centers in Pakistan: 

  1. NUMI , Naval Under Water Medical Institute at PNS Iqbal 
  2. PNS Shifa a Postgraduate Hospital with Training in Hyperbaric Medicine . 
  3. Naval Medical Directorate in Islamabad under the NHQ Naval Head Quarters . 
  4. Bahria University of Medicine 
  5. National University of Medical Sciences 

NUMI , Naval Underwater and Hyperbaric  Medical Institute at PNS Iqbal: 

In Pakistan Navy , Hyperbaric Medical Specialist Certificate course is done in , Naval Underwater Medical Institute NUMI , in Karachi , that has senior Instructors and in Hyperbaric Medicine who Impart training in Hyperbaric Medicine .

These Senior Instructors and Consultant Doctors are Trained in Advanced Hyperbaric Medicine , from USA and Australia in Advance Hyperbaric Medicine course , and they are than Ready to Impart training to the New Doctors for Hyperbaric Medicine .

The Senior Instructors have More than 5-10 Years of Experience in Hyperbaric Medicine as a Specialist and have also Served for At Least 1 Year on a Deep Diving Ship also Known as Mine hunter in Pakistan Navy as it does Diving Operations of Deep Sea for Sea Based Mines and Weapons .

For Example I served for more than a Year on PNS Munsif a Mine Hunter ship that was doing Deep sea Diving and this a Special Ship that it has a Hyperbaric Chamber on Board also Known as TRCS Transportable Re-compression Chamber System , that joins with Bigger Hyperbaric Chamber via NATO Flange.

Only Mine Hunters has Hyperbaric chambers on Board and no other ship has Hyperbaric chambers on Board and this Kind of training can only be done on Mine Hunters.

PNS Shifa :

PNS Shifa , is A class of hospital with more than 1000 Bed and is based in Karachi and is Tertiary care A Grade Hospital with a lot of Specialties and Hyperbaric Medicine also comes under it and it has a Training Section that Trains the Nurses and Doctors as well and it is Under the Naval Medical Directorate and the Bahria University.

Pakistan Navy started  PNS Shifa as a Hospital and a  training school named as sick berth attendants in 1953. It was re-designated as “Medical Assistant Training School” in 1970.

The name of Pakistan Navy Nursing School was conceived in 1982 when the Female Nursing Cadets and Armed Forces Nursing Services (AFNS) trainee officer were also attached for various  Professional courses.

Recently; keeping in view the role of hospital / school in imparting post-graduation training to medical officers, the name has been changed to Pakistan Navy Medical Training School.

PN Medical Training School is entrusted with the primary task of training to medical branch personnel of Pakistan Navy who serve on board ships / establishments to look after the patients.

This school is recognized by Sindh Nurses Examination Board & Sindh Medical Faculty and providing training facilities for General Nursing diploma course of 03 years duration and one year Operation Theater, Intensive Care and Midwifery specialization courses for AFNS officers.

The Hospital and its Training school also conducts house job, FCPS-II/DCPS (post-graduation) and Underwater Medicine Training.

Training School / PNS SHIFA is recognized by Pakistan Medical & Dental Council and College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan for House Job, Post-Graduation training in almost all the Disciplines of Medicine and Surgery and 

Training in these Specialization is also being offered to Civilian Doctors in addition to Commissioned Medical Officers of Defense Forces. 

Underwater Medicine Course is being offered to Defense Services Medical Officers of Allied Countries as well.

The Bahria University and NUMS National University of Medical Sciences :

Bahria now has its own Degree Awarding Institute known as Bahria University and has a Medical College under it in following Places :

1. Bahria Medical College Karachi
2. Bahria Medical College Islamabad

The Hyperbaric medicine course in Future will also be Supervised by the , Newly Established, National University of Medical Sciences NUMS but the Decision is Pending.  All The Military Related Medical Colleges are under it

  1. Army Medical College Rawalpindi 
  2. Fauji Foundation Medical College
  3. CMH Lahore Medical College
  4. CMH Rawalpindi Medical College
  5. CMH Quetta Medical College 

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Hyperbaric Medicine Specialization Course : 

Hyperbaric Medicine Training is About 2 Years Total which has following Components :
  • 6 months of Theory Part at NUMI Naval under water Medical Institute, under Bahria Naval University Department of Medicine and Naval Medical Directorate .
  • Plus 6 Months of Hyperbaric Medicine Training at PNS Shifa 1000 Bed Post Graduate Medical Institute , under Bahria Naval University Department of Medicine and Naval Medical Directorate , Clinical Aspects of Hyperbaric Medicine and its training under Senior Instructors. 
  • 1 Year diving and Practical Training at PNS Iqbal Naval Special Service Facility.
  • 1 Year diving and Practical Training on Board a Diving Mine Hunter ship that has Active Diving Operations

Total of 3 Years of Course is done before a person is Fully Qualified as Hyperbaric Medical Specialist is Requirement in Pakistan Navy with both Theory and Practical Aspects.

Certificate of Hyperbaric Medicine Specialization is Issued by the Naval medical Directorate of Pakistan Navy in Islamabad , of 6 Months Duration only that only Signifies only the Theory Aspects and does not Mention  the Practical 2 years and Six Months of Training that is a Flaw with Certificate ,does not Mention the, 6 months of Hyperbaric Training at PNS Shifa Hospital and also  Practical Training of 2 Years that are Pre-requite for being Hyperbaric Medical Specialist which is an Anomaly that has to be Corrected the Certificate Issued by Pakistan Naval Medical Directorate , is of level -2 in International Classification.

The Level -2  Hyperbaric Medical Certificate  that is Given by Naval medical Directorate of Pakistan Navy ,  is also Not  Mentioned in PMDC Pakistan Medical and Dental Council List as well as Second Anomaly that Also needs Correcion, as the Pakistan Navy and AMC , Army medical Corps of Pakistan Army did not Service Pay the Fee , of PMDC for Recognition of Naval Medical Directorate and NUMI , that are Bestowing the Certificates.

For Instructors Advance Hyperbaric Course is done abroad , in USA and Australia when the Senior Hyperbaric Medical Specialists are sent by the Pakistan Navy after they complete the and Plus 3 Years of Training Post Qualification .

After this Training in USA and Australia the Doctor is now Consider Fit for being a Qualified Hyperbaric Specialist and Senior Instructor and he/she  can be:

  • Examiner of Hyperbaric Medicine for Divers and Submariners
  • Instructor at NUMI , Naval Medical Under Water Medical Instructor. 
  • Licensed to Practice as Specialist as Hyperbaric Medical  Consultant 
In Pakistan Level -3 , FCPS  Hyperbaric or Master or PHD Degree is not Available as of yet , from Pakistan .

Internationally Advance Level -3 , Courses  are not Available in USA Europe, Asia Africa,  or Oceania ( Australia / New Zealand ) in any English Speaking Countries  , Level -3  Degree, is not Available in any English Speaking Countries.

Hyperbaric Medicine in Pakistan Army for High Altitude Adventures : 

Hyperbaric Medicine was Utilized in Late 1980,s in Pakistan Army for High Altitude Adventures and Early 1990,s when the War on Kargil which is highest Battle filed in the World and Pakistan and India has a cold War like Situation there since then and Active Warfare is being engaged on the Roof top of the World .

The Army Medical Corps Doctors were Involved in Solution of Problems of High Altitude Sickness in the form of HAPE and HACE known as High Altitude Pulmonary Edema and High Altitude Cerebral Edema .

The use of Flexible chambers were done to Save countless Lives of Army Personal involved in War Fare on the Roof top of the world as 150 Mountains exists that are above 7000 meters over there which is like 7 Km in Height from Sea Level .

Image result for K2
K2 Mountain 8000 meters Tall one of Second Tallest in the World 

Two of Top Most Mountains in Height like K2 and Nanga Parbat also are Situated over there in Karakorum Range of Hindu Kush Mountains that Divided Pakistan and Afghanistan and forms part of Durrand Line and also in the North where it Meets china border and also Indian Border where the Siachin Glacier at the Border of India Pakistan and china  , where the Indian and Pakistan Army meets face to Face .

Hyperbaric Medicine Was used by the Army medical corps Doctors for the Saving of Lives and Currently it is also being used in Mountaineering .

As Hyperbaric Chambers are saving Lives of Mountaineers and also , Enabling them to climb the Mountain without using Oxygen Cylinders which are not helpful in Rare Atmosphere .

The Hyperbaric Chambers provides them at Base camp to Boost up the Oxygen Levels and Boost them to climb the Mountains and conquer the Challenges .

Pakistan Hyperbaric Specialists are Working in the Following Foreign  Countries : 

These Doctors are Working on Deputation and in Uniform mostly on Loan from Pakistan Army and Pakistan Navy and some Retired Doctors from Pakistan Defense Forces are also Working in Gulf countries. 
  1. Kingdom Saudia Arabia in JNB , Jubail Naval Base of Saudia Arabia 
  2. Kingdom of Saudia Arabia in Jeddeh Naval Base 
  3. Emirate of Qatar 
  4. Emirate of Bahrain 
  5. Emirate of Kuwait

Hyperbaric Chambers Locations in Pakistan.

Locations of Hyperbaric Chambers are in Following Places, in Pakistan :

A. Diving Hyperbaric Multi place Chambers

1. PNS IQBAL Dockyard Karachi Sind.
2. PNS Himalaya Manora Island Karachi Sind.
3. JNB Jinnah Naval Base Ormara Baluchistan.
4. PNS SHIFA Hospital DHA Karachi Sind.

Access of General Public to these Diving Hyperbaric Chambers is limited as only Personnel  in Armed Forces can Enjoy the Facilities or in Case of Severe Medical Emergencies.

B. Medical Hyperbaric Medical Chamber

1. Nescom Hospital H-11/4 Sector  Islamabad.

Access of General Public to these Medical Hyperbaric Chambers is limited as only Personnel  in Armed Forces can Enjoy the Facilities or in Case of Severe Medical Emergencies. In Private Sector so Far no Chamber is Installed in Pakistan Yet .

Thanking in Anticipation ,

Dr. Khurrum Shaukat Yousafzai
Founder Hyperbaric Medical Society Pakistan,
Consultant Hyperbaric Medicine Director Chinar Trust Hospital
Wechat: Ksybiz
Twitter: khurrumuk
LinkedIn: khurrumuk
Skype: Dr Khurrum Shaukat
Facebook: Hyperbaric Medical Society of Pakistan
Mobile / Whatsapp: +92 343 2 333 555

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Dr.Khurrum on very informative post of Hyperbaric Medicine in Pakistan.
