Monday, May 20, 2019


Author :  Dr Khurrum Shaukat

Diving Chamber

Diving Hyperbaric Chambers :

 Hyperbaric medicine has been Developed as Deep sea medicine , because of Endeavors of Diving in the sea and Development of Diving Equipment that enabled to Dive deeper than 30 meters, under pressure of the sea and resulting Bends and chokes happening called Decompression Sickness .The First Hyperbaric chamber came into being in order to treat that .

The Diving Chambers is different from other chambers because of  Higher Pressure than the Medical Chambers . 

Range of Operation 0-10 bars Or More like even up to 100 Bars has been in used in for Different Purposes . 

Diving Chambers are Used in Oil and gas Exploration, in Navy , Military, Aviation and Oil and Gas. For Diving Emergencies , Diving Operations , Simulated Dry Dive inside of Hyperbaric Chamber depending on how Deep the Diver has Dived .

Divided into Following Types :   

1. Air Compression System.

2. Saturated Gas System.

3. TRCS ( Transportable Re-compression Chamber System).

4. SPHL ( Self Propelled Hyperbaric Chamber Life Boat ).

5. SR Submarine Rescuers.

6. Flexible Helicopter based Hyperbaric Chambers

Diving Hyperbaric Multi place chambers are used by People in Navy , Coast Guard Facilities , Hospitals  , or Research Centers like Medical Universities , Further more as Multi Place Diving Chamber are found near the Seas , where there is a  lot of Diving Activities are occurring like in the Navy and Special Forces units of Navy or the Army.

Certain use of such Chambers are where Diving Operations are being conducted like in Diving Clubs or in  Practical Uses of Oil and Gas Exploration , The Oil and gas Drilling Industry also Deal in Hyperbaric Chambers and they are used in Deep Sea Diving and off Shore Drilling Operations

Diving Chambers are also found in Aviation and Aerospace Industries as The Multi place Chambers are also found in Aviation and Space Technologies like in NASA and European Space Program's and in Future Pakistan can also use this for its Astronauts and Pilots .

NASA Astronaut Chamber for Space Program 

Control System to Run the Chamber : 

There are two Types of Control Systems : 
  1. Fully Computerized Control System 
  2. Manual Control System 

Computerized Control System : 

In Fully Automatic HBOT Chambers Software's Control the Multi Place Chamber and its Prevents the  Barotrauma by Controlled Pressure Increase and Depth Control , and hence is more Beneficial for the Patients and it is more conformable to run and it corrects the Mistakes of Operator who can Injure the Ears and Sinuses of Patients by controlling the Depth and Pressure Control . 

Manual Control System : 

In Manual Controlled HBOT Chambers Operator Control the Multi Place Chamber via a Handle like Throttle shaped like Airplane Jet Control , hence it is more Direct Control and Mistakes are not Corrected by the HBOT Chamber. A well trained Operator is Required for Operation and running of this Chamber with Sufficient Experience .

Gas used to Pressurize Mono Chamber :

Diving Multi Place Hyperbaric chambers are Classified according to Gas used for Pressurization : 
  1. Air Pressurization compression system 
  2. Saturation Gas used as compression system 

Air Pressurization System : 

Just like the Multi place chamber has a AIR pressure and compression system , as AIR has 21 % oxygen only and rest is Nitrogen 78% an inert gas That does not take part in combustion or explosion , and hence safer then Oxygen which is highly combustible .

However the Air  Compression Multi place Chambers are used for Diving and Have Pressures up to 10 Bars usually and also manufactured by Different Companies

In the Air compression oxygen mask or oxygen helmet is used to deliver the oxygen to the patient under taking the treatment .

Saturation Gas Pressurization System :

In the Saturation Gas compressor system of Diving chambers instead of Air that has 21 % Oxygen Gas , a Different type of Gas that is Inert is used for Compression of Divers and that is done so that there it is safer .

Saturation Gas Chambers used in Heliox Gas Compression 

The Inert Gas that is used for Compression is Either "Heliox"  Mixture of Helium Gas and Oxygen , Saturation diving is a diving technique that allows divers to reduce the risk of decompression sickness ("the bends") when they work at great depths for long periods of time. Saturation divers typically breathe a helium–oxygen mixture to prevent nitrogen narcosis.

US. Navy photo by Chief Photographer’s Mate Eric J. Tilford.

In saturation diving, the divers live in a pressurized environment, which can be a saturation system on the surface, or an ambient pressure underwater habitat when not in the water. Transfer to and from the pressurized surface living quarters to the equivalent depth is done in a closed, pressurized diving bell. This may be maintained for up to several weeks, and they are decompressed to surface pressure only once, at the end of their tour of duty. 

Saturation Gas Chamber 

By limiting the number of decompression in this way, the risk of decompression sickness is significantly reduced, and the time spent decompressing is minimised. It is a very specialized form of diving; of the 3,300 commercial divers employed in the United States in 2015, only 336 were saturation divers.

Usually Done on work on Deep Sea Oil Rigs and Salvage Operations and also Military Dives that are highly Specialized

TRCS  Transportable Re-compression Chamber System  : 

Transportable Re-compression Chambers System or  TRCS in short is a Diving Chamber system that is used for Rescue of Divers and is used for Transport of Patient from Site of Diving Accident to the Diving Hyperbaric Chamber .

TRCS Diving Chambers 

As the Diving Chamber is Far Away and TRCS is Efficient way of transporting the Patient to the Main Chamber. After the Main Chambers is Reached the TRCS Attaches to the Main chamber and then Patient is transferred from the TRCS to the Main Diving Chamber to be Treated by the Trained and Highly Professional Team of Medical Doctors and Hyperbaric Nurses trained in Hyperbaric Operations .

TRCS Chambers Being Attached with Main Chambers 

The TRCS Attaches to the Main Chamber by the way of NATO Flange , which is an Attachment that is Designed with specific Measurements and Shape , and this is International Standard of the Shape of the Adapter . The Function of this Adapter is such that TRCS can Attach to any Main Diving Hyperbaric Chamber .

TRCS is used for following Purposes that is , it can be Carried away in air sea  and Land like

1. Land vehicle like a truck or Van Pickup etc
2. Air in a Plane or a Air Helicopter
3. Or on a Ship .

For Diving Operations and when needed can be Transferred back to Main Diving Chambers to be used for Transport and has capacity of only one man or Max 2 who can be an Attendant etc

SPHL Self Propelled Hyperbaric Life Boat  :

Self Propelled Hyperbaric Lifeboat or SPHL ,  is A Hyprbaric System that is incorporated into a Boat and then it is fast Boat that can Reach the place of Diving Accident very quickly and rescue the Diver or Patient .


The running Cost of SPHL is a lot cheaper , than a Ship based Hyperbaric System and is very  cheap to run and Maintain as Compared to sending a whole ship, for Hyperbaric Rescue . 

SPHL is being used for over the  Surface water  Rescue as compared to SR submarine Rescue Vehicle , below the  the water Operations .

SR Submarine Rescuer  :

Submarine Rescuer , is a Specialized Vehicle used in Under Water Operations and Hyperbaric Treatment  , that is used for Transfer of Under Water Patent who cannot be Brought to the Surface for Treatment Immediately . 

Submarine Rescuer 

SR or Submarine Rescuer has on Board Hyperbaric Chamber on Board like the SPHL and is used to Transfer the patient from a Submarine into the SR Vehicle and then Patient is then transferred to main chamber from  there or to TRCS and then to Main Chamber . 

Flexible Heli and Vehicle Based Chambers   :

Helicopter Based Hyperbaric Diving Chambers has been gaining Popularity as they are Light weight and can be used as TRCS or Main Chamber Life saving Systems .

Flexible Heli Based Hyperbaric Systems 

The Application of such System is done in Hyperbaric medical and Diving Operations as Helicopter is fast and Efficient way to transport Patients and this chamber can be Removed from the Heli to Transfer the Patient to the Main Chamber as well .

This System is composed fo Flexible Chamber system and can be used in

1. Rescue in the Mountains
2. Coastal Area diving and Coast Guard Operation
3. Emergency and Trauma Operations
4. Diving Operations in Far off Places
5. Patient Transfer from Helicopter and Vehicles etc

Buying and Installing a Multi place HBOT Chamber:  

If you want to order the Multi place Hyperbaric chamber you can contact me on my following contact address as they are manufactured in USA , Europe off course as , chamber That are of high quality only recommend by Hyperbaric Medical Society of Pakistan.

Full installation on turn key basis will be done by me as a consultant and engineers will be called and they will install the HBOT chamber for you according to manufacturers satisfaction.

 And after Sales and service will also arranged as a separate contract . The cost of chamber import to nearest Sea port is included , beyond sea port is responsibility of customer , and labor charges for Engineers and their stay is part of price of chamber as well as consultancy charges of consultants and engineers .

Rest of charges like transportation, from sea port to the installation place and also the charges of cranes and other equipment and also the civil works are responsibility of the buyer , who will also pay the import taxes as price of chamber is with out the taxes .

After Sales Maintenance Contract :   

After Sales contract , is a different contract for the yearly maintenance and some of spare parts are also provided free of cost and after one year has passed the spares will also be charged if they need replacement . As 1 year free Guarantee is included from the company when bought . The maintenance includes software's replacement of the computer and new version installing , any faulty parts changed , and compressors filter and oil changed and silicon rubber seals changed and also all chamber is taken apart cleaned and inspected by the Engineers and also tested by running it on full pressures

Contact Details for Project Installation : 

For buying the chamber my contact details are as follows 

Thanking in Anticipation ,


Dr. Khurrum Shaukat Yousafzai
Director Ksy Hyperbarics Consultancy,
Founder Hyperbaric Medical Society Pakistan,
Twitter: ksybiz
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Skype: Dr Khurrum Shaukat
Mobile / Whatsapp: +92 343 2 333 555

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