Sunday, April 7, 2019


History of Hyperbaric Medicine in Saudia Arabia :

Saudia Arabia has been using Doctors from Pakistan Navy for Hyperbaric Medicine Needs of Navy and the Coast Guard.

The Saudi Air force and Army has also been Using the Hyperbaric and Aviation Medical Specialists from Pakistan for the Defense Needs of Saudia Arabia and Also the Special Services Group of Saudi Navy , also Known as Navy Commando,s also use the Pakistani Doctors .

Saudia Arabia has also recently sent its own Doctors to USA and has trained some of them and they work in Coast Guard Hospital and also in  Riyadh and  Jeddeh Tabuk Area of Saudia Arabia .

Hyperbaric Medicine in Saudia Progressed in late 1990,s when Saudia Spent a lot of money and made Jubail Naval Base and its Hospital has a Hyperbaric unit that is center of Hyperbaric Operations of Saudi Navy and Defense fores and there is a Hyperbaric Unit like the Haux Quadro and also a Second Circular Chamber as well is Situated in Jubail Naval base . about 4 Pakistan Military Doctor's as well as one Saudi Doctors Serves in the Hyperbaric Unit of Jubail Naval base Hyperbaric Unit .

The Saudi Defense Forces Doctors of Saudia : 

USA and Pakistan helped the Hyperbaric Medicine in Saudia Arabia and they were able to get some Doctors to be Hyperbaric medicine Qualified like Saudia Dr Yousaf al Oufi who is Director of Hyperbaric Operations in Saudia Arabia Jubail Naval base and he is In charge and has Degree in Hyperbaric Medicine from USA .

Saudi  Navy to do the Submarine and Naval SSG Special Services also Known as Naval Seals Operations take place from Jubail Naval Base , and  also the Submarine Warfare and X -Craft Spy and Tactical Under water Submarine Crafts that Operated under the Water, also Take place from Jubail . 

There is one or two more Doctors also in Saudi Defense Forces in Riyadh and Jeddeh of Saudi Nationality who are Trained from USA in Hyperbaric Medicine . 

The Pakistan Army Medical Corps Hyperbaric Specialist Doctors:  

Pakistan Navy Sent in the Doctors who were from Army Medical corps and they Trained them in Naval Seals / Navy SSG Operations in Karachi at Pakistan Navy Facilities and when they Got Trained they were Taught Hyperbaric Medicine in Institutes of USA in Co-operations with Bethesda Washington DC , and its Associated Hyperbaric Training Institutes along Side with USA Doctors of its Navy and Army . Some of them also did Navy Seals courses trained from NUMI , or Naval medical Institute Currently Serve in Jubail Naval base.

Many Doctors serve in the Jubail Naval Bases who are on Deputation from Pakistan Army and they Serve in Jubail Naval base and also in Jeddeh and Tabuk Army units of Saudi Navy and Air force where ever the chamber are Situated .

Following are the Hyperbaric Chambers in Saudia Pubic Sector:

  1. Jubail Naval Base hospital  Jubail   Twin Quadro Multi-place 12+2 and Circular 10+2 , 
  2.  Saudi Border Guards hospital       Tabuk Multi-Place 4+2 Chamber 
  3.  Coast Guard Hospital                        Riyadh Mono-Place Chamber 
  4.  Naval base  Hospital                          Jeddeh Mono-Place  Chamber 
  5.  King Faisal Research Hospital and University Riyadh  Multi Place 8+2 Chamber 

Jubail Naval Base hospital  Jubail  

The Hyperbaric Medicine in Public Sector of Saudia Arabia has been also Established by Pakistan Doctors mainly , the center came into being in early 1990,s and is one of Oldest in Kingdom of Saudia Arabia as Hyperbaric Center  inside of the hospital that has many Secondary and tertiary Specialties as well to help and Hyperbaric chamber situated as Quadro 12+2 which is state of Art and one of most Modern and best in Saudia Arabia and also there is circular 10+2 and a Diving Chamber as well . The Unit is Situated at   King Abdul Aziz Road Jubail Post Code 35512, Jubail Kingdom of Saudia Arabia and here is How you can Contact Numbers them 
Contact Numbers : 
Tel : +966 13 364 0900 Ext : 1628 Doctors 1606, 1630  Nursing HBoT  

King Faisal Research Hospital Hyperbaric Unit Riyadh : 

The Hyperbaric Medicine in Private Sector of Saudia Arabia has been also Established by Pakistan Doctors mainly in 2015 although , the center came into being in 2012 as Physiotherapy Center  and one of he First chamber in Private Sector came into being as Stand Alone chamber in Riyadh and its is known as Bedaya Hyperbaric chamber situated in a Physiotherapy and it is a very Successful example of Stand Alone Hyperbaric unit and is one of First in Saudia Arabia as well in Private Sector , The Unit is Situated at Al Imam Saud Ibn Abdulaziz Road, Al-Hamra District, Exit 9, Northeast of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and here is How you can Contact Numbers them 
Contact Numbers : 
Telephone : , +966 920012312,  +96611464272 

Hyperbaric medicine in Private Sector : 

The following Hyperbaroc Units are Situated in Private Sector in Kingdom of Saudia Arabia and have Been Actively Treating  Patients in Hyperbaric Medicine in Saudia Arabia , and they are catering to General Public and Provide Quality Health care in Hyperbaric medicine to Saudia People .

  1. Bedaya Hyperbaric and Physiotherapy Center   Riyadh   Multi-Place 8+2 Chamber  
  2. Sanad Hospital Hyperbaric Unit                Riyadh  Multi-Place 8+2 Chamber      
  3. Salman Fakeeh Hospital                               Jeddeh  Multi-Place 12+2 and 8+2  Chambers 
  4. Ghait Phroan GNB Hospital                      Jeddeh  Multi-Place 4+2  Chamber   
  5. Royal commission hospital Jubail  3 Mono- place chambers            

Bedaya Hyperbaric Unit Riyadh : 

The Hyperbaric Medicine in Private Sector of Saudia Arabia has been also Established by Pakistan Doctors like Dr Khurram Shaukat as Fist Private  Sector chamber in Kingdom of Saudia Arabia , mainly in 2015 although , the center came into being in 2012 as Physiotherapy Center  and one of he First chamber in Private Sector came into being as Stand Alone chamber in Riyadh and its is known as Bedaya Hyperbaric chamber situated in a Physiotherapy and it is a very Successful example of Stand Alone Hyperbaric unit and is one of First in Saudia Arabia as well in Private Sector and was Established by Me as Doctor Khurram Shaukat and is currently Proudly being Managed by an Egyptian Doctor . The Unit is Situated at  Eastern Road Near Exit 14 Al-Bilad Store , Po Box 7808 , Postal Code 4316 , Riyadh Saudia Arabia and here is How you can Contact Numbers them 
Contact Numbers : 
Mobile : +966 55 033 3435
Telephone : , +966 11 400 2449  ,  +966 11 492 3435   
Email :   Web:

Aster  Sanad Hospital Hyperbaric Unit Riyadh : 

The Hyperbaric Medicine in Private Sector of Saudia Arabia has been also Established in 2016 and has a Hipertrch Multipace unit that by Pakistan Doctors mainly in 2015 although , the center came into being in 2012 as Physiotherapy Center  and one of he First chamber in Private Sector came into being as Stand Alone chamber in Riyadh and its is known as Bedaya Hyperbaric chamber situated in a Physiotherapy and it is a very Successful example of Stand Alone Hyperbaric unit and is one of First in Saudia Arabia as well in Private Sector . The Unit is Situated at Al Imam Saud Ibn Abdulaziz Road, Al-Hamra District, Exit 9, Northeast of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and here is How you can Contact Numbers them 
Contact Numbers : 
Telephone : , +966 920004417  
Email :   Web:

Dr Salman Fakeeh Hospital Hyperbaric Unit Jedeh : 

The Dr Salman Fakeh University and Medical University has a Hyperbaric 2 Chambers in Jedheh and its manned by a Egyptian Doctor as Hyperbaric Medicine Specialist in Private Sector of Saudia Arabia has been also Established in 2016 and 2018 , and has a Hipertrch Multi-pace 12+2 and 8+2  unit that caters to Jedeh population and it is a very Successful example of hospital based two Chambers and in Private Sector .   The Unit is Situated at  P. O. Box: 2537, Jeddah: Postal Code 21461 Saudi Arabia ,   and here is How you can Contact Numbers them 
Contact Numbers : 
Telephone : +966 12 6655000  

GNB Ghaith Najeeb Phroan Group Jeddeh : 

The Ghiat Najeeb Phroan Hospital known as GNB  Might have the oldest chamber in the Private sector but is not Operative and Recently there is news that they are going to get a New Chamber but cannot be confirmed by me Right now  manned by a Egyptian Doctor as Hyperbaric Medicine Specialist in Private Sector of Saudia Arabia has been also Established in 2016 and 2018 but according to my Information the Chambers is not Operative . The Unit is Situated at  Prince Sultan Street, Al-Zahraa District, Jeddah, KSA. Saudi Arabia ,   and here is How you can Contact Numbers them 
Contact Numbers : 
Telephone : +966 920019666
Email :   Web:

Royal Commision Hospital Hyperbaric Unit Jubail : 

The Royal Commsion Hospital was the Second Project that I as Doctor Khurram Shaukat was Instrumental in Establishing in Private Sector Hospital of  Jubail Industrial Area and catering to Aramco and also to SABIC employees and VIP Patients of Royality of Saudia , it has 3 Mono Place Chambers in one Place as a Unit of Hyperbaric Medicine and I started the Unit in 2017-18 Year , Right now  manned by a  Bahriaini Doctor Captain Abdel Lal who comes from Bahrain once a Week as Hyperbaric Medicine Specialist . The Unit is Situated at  Al Lulu Rd, Fanateer, Al Jubayl 31961, Jubail Industrial Area , KSA. Saudi Arabia ,   and here is How you can Contact Numbers them 
Contact Numbers : 
Telephone : +966 133464000

Thanking in Anticipation ,


Dr. Khurrum Shaukat Yousafzai
Director Ksy Hyperbarics Consultancy,
Founder Hyperbaric Medical Society Pakistan,
Twitter: ksybiz
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Skype: Dr Khurrum Shaukat
Mobile / Whatsapp: +92 343 2 333 555


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