Thursday, June 25, 2020



Dr Khurrum Shaukat Yusafzai ,
Hyperbaric Medical Consultant. 


  • As World  Faces Severe Shortage of Ventilators , 
  •  Hyperbaric Chambers are possible Replacement of Ventilators
  • Proving to be Far Better than the Ventilators in many ways, in treatment of Covid-19. 

Today I show you Covid-19 treatment via Hyperbaric Medicine in China and race by other Countries to adopt it. 

So let's begin and See my Video on You tube channel that you have to Subscribe and Press the Bell Icon for Informative Videos :

China :

In Wuhan China, in epicenter of Corona Virus .

Progressive Hypoxia of the Patients know as SARS , Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome was treated by Hyperbaric Chambers .

Patients were not getting Better even with Mechanical Assisted Respiration with the Ventilators ,

SARS was endangering their lives that could lead to Certain death ,


Hyperbaric Chambers are being utilised as an Alternative to Ventilators in Treatment of many Diseases including SARS , Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome . 

Hyperbaric Chambers as Oxygenation Devices that are Classified as Class 2 Devices just like Ventilators , but far More Power full .

According to the Research Paper published in the Chinese , Hyperbaric Medical Journal by Doctors of Shipping General Hospital in Yangtze Wuhan ,

Hyperbaric Medical Clinical Research Trials of Hyperbaric Chambers as an Alternative to Ventilators as Oxygenation Devices .

Link to Research Article:

The results were Published online: 2020-02-24 ,

Chinese Journal of Hyperbaric Medicine the role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the correction of hypoxia in patients with SARS pneumonia:

Research  Led  by Chinese Doctor Led Dr Zhong Xialing

Helped by Doctors , Zhong Xiaoling, Tao Xiaolan, Tang Yan, Chen Ruiyong 

SARS from Covid-19 , Critical Patient Progressive Hypoxia that was un-corrected with Ventilators and ECMO , due to Inflammation of Lungs and Severed Secretions .

HBOT Cleared of SARS Corona Virus , In Matter of just 1 or 2 sessions, each consisting of 60 Minute. 1.5 to  2 ATA Pressure was used.

Hyperbaric Chamber Proved to be very Powerful Therapy to remove Progressive Hypoxia caused by SARS . lungs .

The Hyperbaric Therapy proved to be Decider between life and death , Providing a solution to Failure of Organs.

The Patients responded to Treatment in the , First Session even ,

HBOT proved that even 2 session were enough to save the Lives of Patients having SARS .

The Research Paper, demonstrated that critical Patients after taking 5 session are devoid of symptoms of Fever , cough and Breathlessness

CT Scans of Chest and lungs proved the Point and Partial Pressure of Oxygen also Increased. 

Proper , Disinfection methods was carried out to save the staff and people from the , getting cross Infections.

Higher CRP Levels which have become Reliable Indicator of SARS caused by Virus infection due to Covid-19 , due to Progressive Hypoxia was shown to be reduced Significantly after the HBOT .

The Low counts of Lymphocytes found to be an Indication of Higher Mortality also Improved to Higher counts .

The lactic Acid in the Body another Indicator of Hypoxia due to SARS and Virus Infection due to Covid-19 , was also shown to Decrease.

Even Having Normal Pulmonary Function after Covid-19 , Imbalance between the Oxygen Demand and supply lead to SARS Hypoxia . Leading to Inflammations of Lungs Due to SARS .

The HBOT Corrects this Dilemma, it is about Time the WHO , World health Organisation should Include this as one of recommended treatment for SARS Covid-19 Disease


As ,  the world is fighting for its Survival as the Viral Pandemic Haunts the world,  The Shortage of Ventilators , Non Availability of Drugs and Vaccines ,  is forcing the world to look for other Possible Solutions . 

And Here is Hyperbaric Medicine that has Proving to be very effective,


Please Subscribe  to my " KSYBIZ " Hyperbaric Channel to highly Informative Videos and to encourage our Hard Work .

And For Any Question You can contact me below on the Social Media Apps shown on the floating Bar at the bottom.

Bye and take care and see you soon,

Thanking you in Anticipation,


Dr. Khurrum Shaukat Yousafzai
Director Chinar Trust Hospital,
Director Ksy Hyperbarics Consultancy,
Founder Hyperbaric Medical Society Pakistan,
Twitter: ksybiz
We Chat :ksybiz
LinkedIn: ksybiz
YouTube: ksybiz
Skype: Dr Khurrum Shaukat
Mobile / Whatsapp: +92 343 2 333 555

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